For those who don’t know me, my name is Annie, I am a full-time missionary in Mexico and to start the year off, I thought I would share 5 photos that I hope and pray will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone, be joyful, grateful, and to help others. These are photos I have taken over the years in various countries and I hope you enjoy!
Forgiveness: I don’t know the story that leads up to this point in time, I do, however, know that it reminds me of forgiveness. This photo was taken in a drug rehabilitation center in Bogota. I believe Giovanni was praying for this young gentleman and reminding him of that forgiveness that is freely given through Jesus Christ.
Prayer: Taking time to pray with those we were serving was one of our core values as a team. Seeing this, and others photos like it, reminds me just how special it is to go before the Father with the person you are praying for.
Victory: Eric had chosen to die to sin, to himself and follow Jesus and when he was baptized, you could tell there was a difference in him. He was set free from the power of darkness and a new creation because Christ has victory over death.
Worship: This took place during base worship. This little girl carefully banged on the drum set lifting up worship to Jesus. If a little girl can praise the Lord, why shouldn’t we?
Joy: These kids don’t have much. They live on a tiny island in Peru and many of them have cuts and infections on their bare feet. We went to this island as a team to share Jesus with these kiddos and play with them. This image reminds me we can be joyful when we don’t have anything or when things aren’t the best and it’s so beautiful to see.
I hope and pray that these photos have encouraged and inspired you. Please comment down below with your thoughts on these images, any questions you may have, and any requests for future content.
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